Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Measures Against Discrimination

IZTECH is a state university and all higher education institutions abide by CoHE (Turkish Council of Higher Education) regulations in Türkiye. Additionally, IZTECH is subject to the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, 657 Civil Servants Law, 2547 Higher Education Law etc. These legislations ensure the university admissions are merit-based and non- discriminatory.

Placement at IZTECH occurs through a centralized and standardized examination system operated by the national examination body. IZTECH receives application and admission information automatically and regularly evaluates this data to track student diversity based on gender, income segment and primary residence.

IZTECH takes utmost care about the wellbeing of its staff and students. Our university as a body offers programs for mentoring and counseling. The Health, Culture and Sports Directorate at IZTECH organizes and improves living spaces on campus to eliminate obstacles, connects students to scholarship opportunities, supports adaptation to social life, arranges awareness trainings about disabilities, provides counseling and psychological services, creates an inclusive environment for IZTECH students with disabilities.

Facilities for disabled, special needs and/or maternity care are available on our campus. Each building has an elevator for use by disabled people. The entrance of each building was designed according to the needs of disabled people and a ramp was built. External lift was built to the old buildings which do not have a ramp. Every building has an accessible toilet. All sidewalks were redesigned in an accessible way for the wheelchairs.

As part of the February 11 International Day of Women and Girls in Science, students from universities across Turkey participating in the “Science Girl” project visited IZTECH.

THF 2022 Veteran Handball Tournament, organized by the Turkish Handball Federation Veteran Handball Board, was hosted by IZTECH.

On the occasion of October 11, International Girls’ Day, IYTE Rectorate Building was illuminated with pink lights within the scope of the “My Dream School” campaign in order to raise awareness about the problems of girls’ access to education.

The opening ceremony of the “Peninsula Women Add Life to the Gum Tree” project, which was carried out in cooperation with IZTECH and the Izmir Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey, was held.

Vice Rector for Education Prof. Dr. Gamze Tanoğlu attended the “Local Governments and Women Leaders Environment and Cultural Policies Academy Meeting” hosted by Çukurova University.