Goal 14: Life Below Water

Supporting Aquatic Ecosystems Through Education

IZTECH has 2 interdisciplinary programs on sustainable water management: Environmental Engineering Graduate Programs (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) and International Water Resources Graduate Programs (M.Sc. and Ph.D.).

Being located at a highly touristic merging point of Çeşme, Urla and Karaburun, IZTECH offers support and intellectual inputs to local communities.

Supporting Aquatic Ecosystems Through Action

Being located at the Küçük Menderes River Basin, IZTECH is actively involved in the monitoring and developing the river basin management plan in collaboration with the local governments and the Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Ministry.

IZTECH Sustainable Green Campus Coordinatorship holds seminars on the biodiversity of Peninsula Region (Çeşme, Karaburun and Urla Municipalities). In order to make the IZTECH campus an exemplary campus in every aspect, Rector Baran chairs routine meetings with faculty members in order to protect and maintain the ecosystem and biodiversity.

IZTECH Sustainable Green Campus Coordinatorship holds seminars on the biodiversity of Peninsula Region (Çeşme, Karaburun and Urla Municipalities). In order to make the IZTECH campus an exemplary campus in every aspect, Rector Baran chairs routine meetings with faculty members in order to protect and maintain the ecosystem and biodiversity.

Water Sensitive Waste Disposal

IZTECH is bound by national legislation called Water Pollution Control Regulation in order to discharge its wastewater to a closed channel that transports wastewater to the nearby IZTECH wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).

Scientific studies on marine pollution sources are being conducted at IZTECH. Dr. Alper Baba, Vice Rector, is the principal investigator in the project: Investigation of Seawater Intrusion and Discharge into the Sea in Karaburun Peninsula by Hydrogeological Studies and Mathematical Modeling.

Rector Prof. within the scope of the ‘Water Route’ project prepared to draw attention to drought and make the historical water resources of our region visible. Dr. The meeting was held under the chairmanship of Yusuf Baran.

The 14th International Hydroscience and Engineering Conference (ICHE 2022), hosted by IZTECH, was held. The event, supported by TÜBİTAK and aiming to bring together experts in the field to share the latest developments in the field of hydroscience and engineering, was attended by Rector Prof. Dr. It started with the opening speech of Yusuf Baran.
Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran and Vice Rector for Research Prof. Dr. Alper Baba attended the meeting titled “Küçük Menderes River Basin Pollution and Disposal of Pollution” organized by İzmir Governorship under the chairmanship of İzmir Governor Mr. Yavuz Selim Köşger.

International Gediz and Aegean River Basins Symposium was organized under the coordination of IZTECH.

At the symposium, the problems of the basins flowing into the Aegean Sea were discussed and ideas were exchanged regarding solutions to the problem.