Goal 15: Life On Land

Supporting Land Ecosystems Through Education

IZTECH has one of the largest campus areas in Türkiye. The building footprint is 202226  m2    as  shown  in  the  picture  below.  This  total  number  is  given  by  the  Directorate  of Construction and Technical Works of IZTECH. The total area of IZTECH campus is 25 million m2. Therefore, IZTECH campus’ construction ratio is < 1%.

Department of City and Regional Planning within the Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Engineering Department offer graduate programs (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) that deal with sustainable management of land. Specifically, land allocation is emphasized.

Supporting Land Ecosystems Through Action

The EU funded project, TERIAS (EVALUATION OF THE THREATS OF INVESTIGATIONAL   FOREIGN   SPECIES   IN   TERRESTRIAL   ENVIRONMENTS   AND INTERNAL WATERS IN TÜRKİYE), aims to contain Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in terrestrial and inland waters in accordance with EU Regulation 1143/2014 to ensure the resilience of these ecosystems.

Land Sensitive Waste Disposal

IZTECH’s wastewater is collected and transported through pipes to the nearest wastewater treatment plant run by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Water and Wastewater Treatment Directorate. Wastewater treatment plant is operated based on an activated sludge process that can achieve carbon and nitrogen removal.

The      Sustainable     Green  Campus          Coordinatorship          at         IZTECH (https://surdurulebilir.iyte.edu.tr/en/) supports and oversees all activities related to waste minimization              on        campus.

IZTECH’s 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, Indicator 2.1.2 (Page 70) measures “Realization rate of sustainable hazardous waste management system in indoor and outdoor areas on campus (%)” and Indicator 2.1.3 measures “Realization rate of the sustainable non-hazardous waste management system (IZTECH Zero Waste Project) in indoor and outdoor areas on the campus (%)”. For the year 2021 both non-hazardous and hazardous waste collection and disposal activities reached 100% on campus.

The opening ceremony of the modern greenhouse, the construction of which was completed in IYTE within the scope of sustainable green campus studies, was held.

Aegean Forest Foundation General Manager Perihan Öztürk and her accompanying delegation visited IYTE.

Our faculty members Prof. with their suggestions titled “Eyes, Hearts Urban Revolution”. Dr. İpek Akpınar, Prof. Dr. Koray Velibeyoğlu and Assoc. Dr. The international consortium, of which İYTE, Tarkem and Demir Enerji Turkey team, consisting of Zeynep Durmuş Arsan, was a part, succeeded in being one of the 5 projects accepted among the 42 proposals applied to the Horizon Europe CSA call.

Our faculty members Prof. with their suggestions titled “Eyes, Hearts Urban Revolution”. Dr. İpek Akpınar, Prof. Dr. Koray Velibeyoğlu and Assoc. Dr. The international consortium, of which İYTE, Tarkem and Demir Enerji Turkey team, consisting of Zeynep Durmuş Arsan, was a part, succeeded in being one of the 5 projects accepted among the 42 proposals applied to the Horizon Europe CSA call.

IZTECH continues to cooperate with different institutions and organizations in order to build sustainable and livable cities, design environmentally friendly buildings, and contribute to the socio-economic development process of the region.

A protocol was signed between IZTECH and Izmir Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry within the scope of the revival of the gum tree, which is in danger of extinction.

A “Stakeholder Participation Meeting” was held within the scope of the “Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings (KABEV)” project signed between the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey and IZTECH.

“A Sustainable Future with Smart Agriculture Practices” Workshop was organized in cooperation with IZTECH and the General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

A sapling planting event was held in front of the Molecular Biology and Genetics Department building with the participation of IZTECH academic and administrative staff and students.

Within the scope of University-Industry cooperation, a protocol was signed with the Solar Energy Industrialists’ and Industry Association (GENSED).

Harvest Grant Program Grant Presentation Ceremony, implemented by Cevdet İnci Education Foundation and İnci Holding, was attended by Prof. Dr. It was held with the participation of Yusuf Baran.

At the AKUT Earthquake Training organized by IZTECH Continuing Education Center at Integrated Research Centers, presentations were made by the Search and Rescue Association Izmir team on what to do before, during and after the earthquake.