Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Support of Arts and Heritage

IZTECH has a Roman geothermal bath on the shore of Gulbahce Cove. IZTECH is currently restoring the historical spa, which is called ‘Cleopatra Bath’ or ‘Roman Bath’ as the people of the region say, keeping the process as authentic as possible. The Roman Bath is currently open to public access.

IZTECH Library not only serves the academic staff and students but also to the public free of charge. Public has access to IZTECH Library and can benefit from all on-campus services provided.

IZTECH provides public access to all museums and exhibition spaces on campus.

IZTECH’s gates are open to the public since there is a market located on the campus right by the İzmir-Çeşme road and people can get in the campus grounds to do their shopping. Also there is Teknopark Izmir established in 2002 within the campus of Izmir Institute of Technology. 

IZTECH Folk Dances Team, World Dances Teams and Undergraduate Students’ Choir perform at local activities.

Leading scholars and activists discussed the challenges and possibilities for community development programs regarding the Roma people of Turkiye. The aim was to share local experiences of community organisation, current data on the Romanies of Turkey and their socio-economic needs (education, health, housing, etc.), as well as opportunities for social entrepreneurship via ecotourism and sustainable small and medium enterprise (SME) sector.

Sustainable Practices

The total number of vehicles that the university currently owns is twenty-one (21), and seven (7) of them are special purpose vehicles such as fire trucks, sewage disposal trucks, etc. Due to low usage, the special purpose vehicles were not considered in the number of vehicles in daily basis calculations.

During the COVID pandemic, the higher education institutions in Turkiye shifted towards remote working completely. Distance Education Research and Application Center at IZTECH (https://uzem.iyte.edu.tr/en/home-page/) has taken immediate action at the start of the pandemic, providing the infrastructure necessary for online/remote learning.

IZTECH has affordable housing for staff on campus. Every year the vacancies are formally announced and a snapshot of the available units at the beginning of 2021 are seen below:

The General Directorate of Credits and Dormitories (GDCD) is a public institution affiliated to the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkiye, established on August 22, 1961. The GDCD provides social services such as accommodation and aims to financially support undergraduate students with financial difficulties. Within the grounds of IZTECH campus, there are currently 2 dormitories for male and female students.

Turkey’s Technology Base Izmir High Technology Institute (IYTE) signed a protocol with Koruncuk Foundation to provide dormitories for female students. Nine km from IYTE Campus. Barbaros Village Koruncuk Foundation Urla Campus, located at a distance, will now provide accommodation for IYTE female students.

Pedestrian paths and crosses are of utmost importance at IZTECH campus. Speed
bumps were installed at crossroads to decrease vehicles’ speeds. Crossroads were renewed
and modified in accordance with the regulations. Also pavement-road merging points were
modified to allow disabled access.

IZTECH works closely with the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality (IzMM) in order to address planning issues and related development projects. The Izmir History Project Preliminary Project for the Operation Plan of the Synagogues Sub-Region and its Near Surroundings includes the urban and architectural intervention proposals planned for the revitalization and protection of one of the 19 sub-regions determined in the Design Strategy Report prepared within the scope of the Izmir-History Project.

IZTECH is bound by law to abide by the Planned Areas Zoning Regulation that was put in effect in 2017 by The Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change. The Regulation puts emphasis on water savings and recyclable waste. Article 57 states “It is essential that central sanitary hot water systems are designed and implemented in a way that includes hot water circulation (by-pass) installation in order to have hot water available and to ensure water efficiency.