Goal 17:​ Partnership for the Goals

Relationships to Support the Goals

Relationships to Support the Goals

IZTECH has direct involvement in and input into, national governmental and regional non- governmental organisations’ SDG policy development through projects such as Green and Smart AGRO Youth and Reflect. The aim of Green and Smart AGRO project is to convey digital developments and innovations in agriculture to the final target group, which can be the youth whose family is engaged in traditional agriculture or whose profession is agriculture. It is aimed for Youth Workers to develop their own professional and personal skills. Reflect project tackles the model projection uncertainties in geothermal fluid utilization and aims to collect new, high-quality data that will be implemented in European geothermal fluid atlas. Thus outcomes of the Reflect project will help policy-makers and investors on geothermal potential of any given location and how to best operate those systems for sustainable use.

Clothing Aid Campaign

It is the activity of providing school equipment to the students in the primary school of Kızılkeçeli village in Bayındır, İzmir, and also providing clothing donations to students and families in need.

Clean Environment, Healthy Life Event

With the project,certain areas have been cleaned with our community members, and the community planned to repeat the project in the future.

Interview With “Ece Soyer Demir, Vice Chairman Of The Association For Combating SMA Disease”

A live broadcast was made on the community’s Instagram account (iztechmun), where we hosted Ece Soyer Demir, Vice Chairman of the Association for Combating SMA Disease. Through this publication, we have created an awareness on this issue by discussing the unknowns and curiosities about SMA disease.

K'iyap Project (Urla Şehit Kemal Primary School)

About 350 books have been collected for the “K’iyap Project” and are stored in the community room and were donated to the school by hand at the beginning of the term

Online panel on “Zero pollution and environmental crimes”

The panel topic, partnered with European Commision, SDG Student Hub, and İKÇÜ Uİ Community, was “What can youth do for green change?”

Karşıyaka Idle Land Workshop

The field trip workshop for the identification and mapping of Karşıyaka idle lands was organized in cooperation with IZYECH Environment Community and Young TEMA society.

Compost Workshop In The Faculty Of Architecture

Associate Professor Zeynep Durmuş ARSLAN talked about compost types, suitable soil types and it was aimed to learn compost making theoretically and practically.

IZTECH International Water Resources Conference

IZTECH International Water Resources Conference

IZTECH Publicity Commission

In the Open Days, which was held with the presentation of our academicians; Candidate students were informed about our undergraduate departments, the content of education, course programs, career choices, job opportunities of graduates, education abroad opportunities.

Sustainable Green Campus Coordinatorship And TAMIKAM

An Online Information Day event was held on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at 14.00, in cooperation with TÜBİTAK, the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey and IZTECH.

Awareness Seminars - 5 : "Dating Violence"

The fifth of our Awareness Seminars series was held by specialist Psychologist Buket Kılıçer on Microsoft-Teams on February 10, 2021 (Wednesday) at 14:00. The theme and title of the seminar was “Dating Violence”.

IZTECH Distance Education Workshop

The 4th Workshop, organized by the IZTECH Education Commission and the Distance Education Application and Research Center (UZEM), was held on February 16-17, 2021 as online participation.

“Transformation Begins At Home” Online Panel

Panel on “TRANSFORMATIO N BEGINS AT HOME” with the contributions and participation of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, Izmir Institute of Technology and Dokuz Eylul University

“Women and Sports”

8 March International Women's Day event

“Women” Workshop

An online “Women’s Workshop” event was held on Friday, March 12, within the scope of the program created for the “International Women’s Day” celebrated in March every year.

Seminar on “New generation hybrid photovoltaic/thermal systems, solar thermal technologies and thermal storage systems”

The seminar was held by Assist. Prof.Dr.M. Imtiaz Hussain

Colloquium: “Smell and Texture: An Intersensory Look at European Art”

The first of our colloquiums in the spring semester organized by the Department of General Culture Courses was held with the presentation of Dr. Deniz Eyüce Şansal.

Webinar on “What Industrial Engineers Expect?

The webinar organized in cooperation with Teknopark İzmir and ID ARGE Training & Consultancy was given by Technology, R&D, Digital Transformation and Education Consultant Dr. İsmail Durgun.

Webinar on “European Union Funds Horizon 2021-2027 Information seminar”

“European Union Funds Horizon 2021-2027 Information Seminar” was held in cooperation with Teknopark İzmir and AJH Edison Innovation Technology and Project Consultancy Services.

Design Quadrilogy: Domesticity, Velocity, Electricity and Plasticity” Seminar

Online Seminar “Design Quadrilogy: Domesticity, Velocity, Electricity and Plasticity” by Assist. Prof. Dr. Avşar Gürpınar.

“Technology Addiction” Seminar

A seminar on “Technology Addiction” was held on April 20, 2021 (Tuesday) at 20.00 by Psychological Counselor/Yeşilay İzmir Branch Board Member İlkay UYSAL.

Webinar on “Geothermal Energy in Turkey”

An overview of the geothermal energy development in Turkey.

Environment in the Grip of Global Issues

The forum titled “Environment in the Grip of Global Issues” was held as part of the “June 5 World Environment Day” by IZTECH Environmental Engineering Department.

European Mobility Week-Car-Free Day event

European Mobility Week is a European Commission initiative that encourages cities and municipalities to take and support sustainable transport measures and has been celebrated around the world since 2002, from 16 to 22 September.

GREEN NIGHT -European Researchers' Night Event

The GREEN NIGHT project emphasizes the necessity of protecting and restoring natural ecosystems for sustainability, focusing on main action areas such as energy, food, waste and transportation, and aims to show young people the pioneering role of science and researchers in how they can realize this transformation.

Panel on "A Well of Water"

The panel titled “A Well of Water” both refered to the wells in Barbaros Village, most of which are rainwater reservoirs, and the community culture that people have created around them, and also mentions that underground and surface waters can circulate and fill a well all over the world, and that water is a common value on earth.

Marmara Urban Forum 2021 “Rethinking Local Green Policy with Data”

The subject of rethinking the data- based urban green policy and exploring ways to act together, organized in collaboration by the Izmir Institute of Technology (IYTE) and the Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), was discussed. The focus was on learning from datadriven smart mobility policies for an error-free Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).

Sapling Planting Event

Saplings were planted in the  IZTECH Campus area at the event, which was open to the participation of all IZTECH members.


Hosted by Teknopark İzmir and İzmir Institute of Technology, BEST For Wind was held on November 20-21, 2021, as part of the BEST For Energy Project implemented by İzmir Development Agency (İZKA) in partnership with the Energy Industrialists and Businessmen’s Association (ENSİA).

Panel on “The Global Commons in Architectural Education”

In the workshop series “Common Futures Reloaded”, the panel on “The Global Commons in Architectural Education” was moderated by Prof. Dr. İpek Akpınar and Res. Assist. Ece Güleç from IZTECH

“Geothermal Energy for Sustainable Development GeoESD2021” Workshop

In the light of the data in the special issue of the Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, published by TUBITAK and of which our Vice Rector Prof Dr Alper Baba is one of the editors, on “Geothermal Energy for Sustainable Development”, the international workshop titled “Geothermal Energy for Sustainable Development GeoESD2021” was held online.


IZTECH Education Commission and Distance Education Application and Research Center work VII. themed “Catching Transformation in Education” organized by the Union. Training Workshop, was held online via Microsoft Teams in 7 October 2022.

IZTECH Alumni Day

September 26, 2022 Activity IZTECH Alumni Day, which we organize with the IYTE Alumni Association, will be held on October 2, 2022 (Sunday).