İzmir Institute of Technology Wind Energy Meteorology and Environmental Application and Research Center (RUZMER)

İzmir Institute of Technology Wind Energy Meteorology and Environmental Application and Research Center (RUZMER) was established on 15.11.2022. The Center received the Guided Project installation support of the Izmir Development Agency (İZKA), which operates under the coordination of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology. RUZMER consists of wind energy meteorology, material and environmental laboratories and aims to become an international center by first supporting the activities of the Turkish wind energy.



The laboratories to be established in RÜZMER, whose structuring process continues:

  • Meteorological Measurement and Test Laboratory
  • Environmental Conditioning Laboratory
  • Spectroscopic Materials Testing and Analysis Laboratory

In addition to terrestrial and offshore remote wind measurement such as lidars and sodars, RÜZMER laboratories will support the industry’s research and testing of qualified materials for towers, turbine blades and other components, and will also serve other sectors such as the defense and automotive industries.

RÜZMER, which will serve on the campus of Izmir Institute of Technology as a center where testing and analysis can be carried out within the standards in the wind energy sector, which is expected to create an annual market of 170 billion dollars on a global scale in the next 5 years, is of great strategic importance as it will increase the competitiveness of both the region and the country in the sector by preventing cost and time losses.