Policy on Divesting Investments From Carbon-Intensive Energy Industries Especially Coal and Oil

IZTECH 2019-2023 Strategic Plan states that “The energy efficiency of existing buildings will be increased and the rate of utilization of renewable energy sources will be increased in and around the campus.” In line with this strategy, IZTECH campus heating will utilize geothermal energy by the support of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technical Assistance Project (YEVDES) funded by the European Union (EU) under the leadership of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. A consultancy and service provision agreement was signed between GMK Energy and YEVDES Consortium regarding the preparation and design of projects.

IZTECH Strategic Plan (2019-2023):

https://strateji.iyte.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/sites/108/2019/10/İYTE-Stratejik-Plan- 20192023.pdf

Furthermore, IZTECH has founded, in collaboration with İzmir Development Agency, Wind Energy Meteorology and Environment Conditioning Test and Analysis Center (RÜZMER), with an investment of 1.5M USD (Fig 5). This Center provides services on wind energy efficiency calculations and material conditioning testing. https://iyte.edu.tr/haber/iytenin-ruzmer-projesine-izmir-kalkinma-ajansindan-33-milyon-tllik- arastirma-destegi/

Figure 6: Signing ceremony between IZTECH Rectorate and Izmir Governor’s Office for RÜZMER Project

IZTECH also has invested into Geothermal Energy Research and Application Center, which provides research and development, testing and training activities with its staff who have knowledge and experience in geothermal energy applications, to cooperate with other universities and public institutions, to support these studies with all kinds of laboratories and test systems and provides continuity.


Figure 7: The landing page of Geothermal Energy Research and Application Center