National Open Access and Open Science Conference 2022

National Open Access and Open Science Conference 2022 was hosted by Istinye University in collaboration with Izmir Institute of Technology, TUBITAK and Hacettepe University, on October 20, 2022. This 2022 theme was selected as “Open Access for Climate Justice”. The “Open Access for Climate Justice” theme promotes connectivity and collaboration among the international open (access) community. It also is expected to incentivize, mobilize and build a shared understanding of how openness enables climate justice and to raise awareness of the importance of sharing information. The climate crisis requires the rapid exchange of information across geographical, economic and interdisciplinary boundaries.

The Open Access and Open Science Conference focused on current issues such as Open Access, Open Science, Open Data and Research Data on the Climate Axis, Diamond Open Access as a solution for sustainable Open Science, the transformation of publishing and new metrics for research evaluation. The aim of the conference was to discuss open science policy, strategy, legislation, infrastructure and services along with to support the harmonization of services with the European Union (EU), to exchange information on the activities carried out and planned in our country and to evaluate the points achieved with all stakeholders.

Figure: National Open Access and Open Science Conference 2022

Several talks given by the participants were also publicly shared through AB2022 Konferansı Açılış Konuşmaları – YouTube