Providing assistance for start-ups that foster and support a low-carbon economy/technology

Startup name: EBB Energy and HVAC

EBB Energy and HVAC was established in 2013 as a startup company by the support of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). The supported project was “energy efficient and renewable energy supported refrigeration systems”. EEB Energy and HVAC has 3 main activities area:

  • Energy efficiency studies on household and industrial conventional or alternative refrigeration systems: smart heap pump, magnetic refrigeration etc. 
  • Feasibility and engineering studies on wind-solar energy household and industrial utilization
  • Technical consulting and education on energy efficiency, cooling and renewable energy

Startup name: Esinotek Energy R&D

The start up was established within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1512 Individual Young Entrepreneur Program, was established to create a widespread technological and economic impact on clean and renewable energy, especially solar energy. Esinotek works in a wide range from material synthesis to device fabrication and testing within the scope of R&D studies, also operates in providing technology-oriented training services.

Startup name: 3! Information Technologies

3! is a young and dynamic team that has solutions for issues such as Student Information System, Bologna / ECTS Catalog Management System, Academic Personnel Information System, Campus Web Management System, Social Media Platform for Universities.

Startup name: Hitit Sun Power

Hitit SunPower was awarded the TÜBİTAK 1512 project and completed it in its establishment. Subsequently, a TÜBİTAK 1507 project and the project continues. He provides consultancy in various engineering fields. There are 2 more projects submitted to TUBITAK and expected to be concluded.

Startup name: Honer Engineering

Machinery and Mechanism Design, Industrial Design, Renewable Energy Technologies, Industrial Automation are among our main fields of activity. Our Current Project Design and prototype production of a small powerful wind turbine that can safely continue to generate energy even at storm speeds.

Startup name: Hyrec Water and Energy

Hyrec’s mission is to create value by developing innovative, water treatment solutions. Hyrec’s vision is to become a global leader in brine concentration applications for desalination, water recycling and zero liquid discharge (ZLD). Obtaining salt (20%-26% concentrated brine) and valuable minerals from sea water with concentration technology, More water recovery with high efficiency by integrating into desalination plants, Zero waste discharge. In this context, HYREC has produced three different pilot plants using commercial-size membranes. These pilot plants have proven the operability of the technology by reaching the targeted data. With its innovative technology, HYREC was selected as the “Water Technology Idol” of the year by Global Water Intelligence in 2017.

Startup name: Lucida Solar Technology Energy

Lucida Solar was established in 2015 in Izmir. Lucida Solar’s mission is to provide affordable and sustainable clean energy solutions to industries and businesses. Lucida Solar develops parabolic corrugated solar collectors for industrial heat generation. The solar collectors we have developed follow the sun on a double axis in order to achieve superior performance and high efficiency. Our modular system can be easily installed and integrated into existing and new industrial facilities.

Startup name: Ocalı Inc. Battery Technologies

‘Next Generation Refillable Zinc-Nickel Battery’ is being developed. Our laboratory tests for the ‘New Generation Refillable Zinc-Nickel Battery’, which we started R&D studies at İZTEKGEB, have been completed. The results of the product are very promising based on both the customer groups and market research. More than 2000 desktop prototypes were tested. At this point, field-type prototypes will be produced for selected target sectors (such as electric forklifts, marine applications, renewable energy storage, uninterrupted power supply). These prototypes will be put into customer tests, production planning will be made according to the feedback received and they will enter the market. In the first stage, it will enter the domestic market and in a short time foreign markets. In addition, special production agreements are targeted with domestic and foreign sector-leading companies.

Startup name: Optonom Scientific Instruments

Optonom company is a manufacturer company whose main field of activity is Optical Design and Optical System Development. The optical dilatometer project has been successfully completed within the company. Optical design and prototyping services are also offered for the LED lighting industry.

Startup name: PGS Lighting

To carry out electronic design activities related to lighting. Our Multi-Purpose Led Industrial Luminaire Project has been successfully concluded. Our new project, Long Range Lighting, has just started.

Startup name: Rodos Technology

While we offer an environmentally friendly transportation opportunity with our shared electric scooter brand called Beany, we are a supplier to the domestic market in our by-product group with smart lock systems, IoT and battery management systems.

Startup name: Solar Bankers

As Solar Bankers, we; We believe that the most fundamental element for sustainable development is access to clean and affordable energy. Solar Bankers TR company is a subsidiary of Solar Bankers Europe and was established with the cooperation of Turkish academics and businessmen in order to carry all R&D activities carried out or to be carried out under the roof of this company. is the company. Headquartered in Czechia, Solar Bankers Europe also has offices in the USA and Singapore. The software, pilot applications, tests of the blockchain-based energy trading platform and the outputs and intellectual property rights of all research and development activities on the platform will belong to Solar

Bankers TR. A freely accessible marketplace will be created for renewable energy trading. With Solar Bankers, users can not only produce their own electricity, but also have the opportunity to sell their surplus production to their neighbors at competitive prices through local markets.

Startup name: Solar Mena Energy and Environment Technologies

Since 1990, Fraunhofer ISE has made significant contributions to improving the quality of Photovoltaic Power Systems (FVGS) with its professional technical consultancy services. SolarMENAFraunhofer ISE’s quality inspection and conformity assessment services support its customers at every stage, from FVGS project development and planning to long-term monitoring of FVGS operation.

Startup name: Solar Innovation

Our company, which was established in 2020, provides service to you in Teknopark Izmir. Collaborating with the leading names of the industry, our team offers solutions on photovoltaic solar energy systems.

Startup name: Turkey Futuristic Technologies Center TFTC Renewable Energy

Turkey Futuristic Technologies Center TFTC; is a technology transfer company that follows all technology and innovation issues related to renewable energy resources, offers engineering and consultancy activities for energy projects, carries out research and development studies with solution partners, and ensures that the products developed as a result meet with users.

Startup name: Urla Digital Agriculture

We combine unique Artificial Intelligence technologies and highly automated cloud platform to nurture ideal plant growth in a controlled environment. We believe that intelligent automation should be accessible to our most human needs: food. We assembled a team of deep experts in AI, mechatronics, biology and agriculture to push the limits and build a better future for humanity.

Startup name: Üstün Energy Engineering

Our company was founded on an 80 percent R&D 20 percent commercial consultancy structure that produces software on wind energies. To date, KOSGEB, TUBITAK and H2020/Eurostars supported projects have been completed.

Startup name: Üstün Energy Engineering

Our company was founded on an 80 percent R&D 20 percent commercial consultancy structure that produces software on wind energies. To date, KOSGEB, TUBITAK and H2020/Eurostars supported projects have been completed.

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