Promote Conscious Water Usage on Campus, and in the Wider Community

IZTECH is bound by law to abide by the Planned Areas Zoning Regulation that was put in effect in 2017 by The Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change. A recent change in the regulation states “In order to save water, it is essential that the flow rates shall not exceed 6 lt/min in sinks and 8 lt/min in showers.”

Water Efficient Appliances Usage (Izmir Institute of Technology, TR)

Motion-activated hand washing taps were installed throughout the campus in order to reduce water usage. The data retrieved from the Construction Works Directorate of IZTECH shows more than 50% of the taps are replaced with water-efficient motion-activated appliances.

Furthermore, a rainwater harvesting project was designed by the students and academics. The project was realized in collaboration with Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and the Rotary Club. The rainwater that will be collected will be used for watering of the nearby landscape.

Rainwater harvesting system: design, application and the nearby landscape

IZTECH has implemented the Planned Areas Zoning Regulation which states “For buildings built on parcels larger than 2000 m²; it is obligatory to include a rainwater harvesting system that allows collection of the rainwater from the roof surface to be used in the building toilets. The volume of the tank is calculated based on the maximum average monthly rainfall per m² of the city where the building is located and the roof area of the building. The part of the collected rainwater in excess of the need of the building toilet flushes can be used in the garden or other common areas by showing it in the installation project.” The rainwater collection system at IZTECH serves for irrigation of landscapes.