Goal 13: Climate Action

Environmental Education Measures

IZTECH provides local education programmes on climate change and related risks. For example,a seminar titled Recycling starts from Home was organized in collaboration with Rotary Club İzmir Branch on February 20, 2021. Participants included academics, policy- makers and the public

IZTECH participates in URBAN GreenUP project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Its objective is the development, application and replication of Renaturing Urban Plans in a number of European and non-European partner cities with the aim to mitigate the effects of climate change, improve air quality and water management, as well as to increase the sustainability of our cities through innovative nature-based solutions. Three runner cities – of Valladolid (Spain), Liverpool (UK) and Izmir (Turkey) – will validate and demonstrate the effectiveness of the URBAN GreenUP methodology.

Organized in collaboration with Rotary Club İzmir Branch, “Recycling starts from Home” (February 20, 2021) seminar participants included academics, policy-makers and the public.

IZTECH, being a public university, endorses the Paris Climate Agreement and is committed to net zero by 2053. IZTECH is currently preparing its long-term climate change strategy and action plan to enhance adaptation, accelerate mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, and increase co-benefits for cities, sectors, and ecosystems.

Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran met with World Bank officials within the scope of the projects carried out on renewable energy at IYTE.

An event was held in front of the Central Cafeteria for the first drives of the Eco-Friendly Doves, which were designed to serve from different points of the campus.

IZTECH Mechanical Engineering Department Lecturer and Head of Department Assoc. Dr. Ünver Özkol and Civil Engineering Department Lecturer Assoc. Dr. The “Floating Wind Turbine” project, implemented by Bergüzar Öztunalı Özbahçeci and her team, was featured in the national press.

Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran met with the faculty members in the project team of the Wind Energy Meteorology and Environmental Testing and Analysis Center (RÜZMER), which was entitled to receive research support within the scope of the guided project of Izmir Development Agency (IZKA), which operates under the coordination of the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey.

33 million TL research support from Izmir Development Agency to İYTE’s RÜZMER Project. The contract signing ceremony of IYTE’s Wind Energy Meteorology and Environmental Testing and Analysis Center (RÜZMER) project, which was entitled to support within the scope of the guided project support of Izmir Development Agency, which operates under the coordination of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, was held in Izmir Governorship.