“Floating Wind Turbine” Project Featured in the National Press

IZTECH Mechanical Engineering Department Lecturer and Head of Department Assoc. Dr. Ünver Özkol and Civil Engineering Department Lecturer Assoc. Dr. The “Floating Wind Turbine” project, implemented by Bergüzar Öztunalı Özbahçeci and her team, was featured in the national press.

Thanks to the project, it will be possible to build a Floating Wind Turbine that can operate in the desired wave and wind conditions in open seas, which is preferred because it is more economical.

For detailed news: https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/bilim-teknoloji/turkiyenin-ilk-yuzer-ruzgar-santrali-modelleme-denizlerde-potansiyeli-ortaya-koacak/2490614