Low Carbon Energy Use

IZTECH measures the low-carbon energy use across the university.
1. One wind turbine which has 250 kW rated capacity is installed in the university campus.
2. On the roof of the indoor swimming pool, there are 180 solar collectors which provide energy for heating the pool water, ground heating and hot tap water supply. Its rating is 158 kW.
Energy production by the wind turbine is 438000 kWh
Energy production by the solar panels is 493620 kWh
In total: 931620 kWh
The ratio of renewable energy production to total energy consumption is:
931620/6886611= 13.5 %
Total energy used
Electricity: 29711 GJ
Transportation: 7740 GJ
Heating: 182720 kg * L/0.85 kg = 214965 L fuel oil
214965 L fuel oil * 0.038 = 8169 GJ
Total = 29711 + 7740 + 8169 = 45620 GJ


Total energy used from low-carbon sources
931620 kWh * 0.0025 = 2330 GJ
2330 GJ / 15936.2 = 14.6 %