Research Support of 33 Million TL from Izmir Development Agency to IZTECH's RÜZMER Project

33 million TL research support from Izmir Development Agency to İYTE’s RÜZMER Project.

The contract signing ceremony of IYTE’s Wind Energy Meteorology and Environmental Testing and Analysis Center (RÜZMER) project, which was entitled to support within the scope of the guided project support of Izmir Development Agency, which operates under the coordination of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, was held in Izmir Governorship.

Izmir Governor Mr. Yavuz Selim Köşger and Rector Prof. Dr. The RÜZMER Guided Project, which was implemented with the contract signed by Yusuf Baran, will enable the necessary tests and analyzes for high technology production in the wind energy sector in our country to be carried out with domestic and national resources.

We would like to thank the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Turkey, the Governor of Izmir, Mr. Yavuz Selim Köşger, and the Secretary General of the Izmir Development Agency, Mr. Dr., for their support to the project. Mehmet Yavuz and our faculty members who contributed to the project, Prof. Dr. Alper Baba, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Polat, Dr. Faculty Member Ferhat Bingöl, Prof. Dr. Cem Çelebi, Dr. Faculty Member Hatice Eser Ökten and Prof. Dr. We would like to thank Metin Tanoğlu and our managers.