Goal 5: Gender Equality

Student Access Measures

All students applying for and entering the Izmir Institute of Technology are tracked by the central government authority overseeing the examination procedures. This data includes women’s application and admission rates.

The 14th International Forum of the European Youth Parliament Türkiye was hosted by IZTECH. The forum attended by delegates from different universities was attended by Rector Prof. Dr. It started with the opening speech of Yusuf Baran.
The opening ceremony of the IZTECH Graduate Student Village, completed with the contributions of IZTECH-friendly philanthropists, was held with the participation of IZTECH senior management, academic and administrative staff and IZTECH donors.

Student Access Measures

Term graduation of IZTECH Children’s University was held. At the Children’s University, which provides education on its own campus this term, primary and secondary school children spent their break in an educational and entertaining way with workshops as well as introductory basic science courses.

IZTECH is a state university and all higher education institutions depend on CoHE (Turkish Council of Higher Education) in TURKEY. As a public university, IZTECH abides by the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, 657 Civil Servants Law, 2547 Higher Education Law (Article 53/7, the specific policy against discrimination in education.

Izmir Institute of Technology has accessible childcare facilities for staff and faculty as well as for students which allow recent mothers to attend university courses.

At IZTECH for academic and other types of offenses, Higher Education Law 2547 Art. 53-54 describes the framework and operation of disciplinary investigations.