Current collaborations with local, national or global health institutions to improve health and wellbeing outcomes

Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) has strong collaborations with local, national, and global health institutions to improve health & well-being outcomes. At the local level, IZTECH has partnership agreements with two of the top medical universities of Izmir, Tinaztepe University Medical School, and Dokuz Eylul University Biomedicine & Genome Center. These aim to foster interdisciplinary research collaborations between the faculties to create a biotechnology and health ecosystem that can address the most pressing medical research questions to build a healthier world for society’s benefit (see Figure).

Figure: The first (left) and last (right) pages of the partnership agreement between İzmir Tinaztepe University and Izmir Institute of Technology signed by the Rector’s of each institution.

At the national level, IZTECH has an ongoing partnership with Siemens Health (Turkey). Under an EU-supported COFUND program, this partnership aims to facilitate the development and translation of research outcomes into future health technologies, a two-way knowledge transfer between both institutions, and cultivate talented students equipped with a diverse and cross-disciplinary knowledge of science and technology.

The Izmir Institute of Technology has several partnership agreements at the global level. It is a member of various international networks, including top medical schools, which resulted in several international patents and scientific publications.

Figure: Example of a publication generated by IZTECH faculty through international collaborations.