Preventing and Reducing Marine Pollution of all Kinds

IZTECH endorses to minimize and prevent all possible pollutants from the campus grounds in its Strategic Plan.İYTE-2021-Stratejik-Plan- İzleme-Raporu.pdf

Scientific studies on marine pollution sources are being conducted at IZTECH. Dr. Alper Baba, Vice Rector, is the principal investigator in the project: Investigation of Seawater Intrusion and Discharge into the Sea in Karaburun Peninsula by Hydrogeological Studies and Mathematical Modeling.

Plastic Waste Report from WWF Turkey, Boğaziçi University and İzmir Institute of Technology “The Problem of Plastic Waste in Turkey and Policy Recommendations”. WWF- Turkey Plastics Projects Manager Tolga Yücel, İzmir Institute of Technology Environmental Engineering Department Lecturer Dr. Mehmet Ali Küçüker, Boğaziçi University Institute of Environmental Sciences Suat Vardar, spoke live on Çevre TV.