Water Quality Standards and Guidelines for Water Discharges

IZTECH is bound by national legislation called Water Pollution Control Regulation in order to discharge its wastewater to a closed channel that transports wastewater to the nearby IZTECH wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The purpose of this Regulation is to determine the legal and technical principles necessary to prevent water pollution in line with sustainable development goals, in order to protect the country’s underground and surface water resources potential and to ensure its best use. The Regulation covers the quality classifications and usage purposes of aquatic environments, planning principles and prohibitions regarding the protection of water quality, discharge principles and discharge permit principles of wastewater, principles regarding wastewater infrastructure facilities, and monitoring and inspection procedures and principles for the prevention of water pollution. https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/File/GeneratePdf?mevzuatNo=7221&mevzuatTur=KurumVeKuru lusYonetmeligi&mevzuatTertip=5