Water Quality Standards and Guidelines for Water Discharges

IZTECH’s wastewater is collected and transported through pipes to the nearest wastewater treatment plant run by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Water and Wastewater Treatment Directorate. Wastewater treatment plant is operated based on an activated sludge process that can achieve carbon and nitrogen removal.

Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) servicing IZTECH (left), Location of WWTP and the IZTECH campus.

The national directive that regulates the discharges from IZTECH Wastewater Treatment Plant is the Water Pollution Control Directive:

https://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/File/GeneratePdf?mevzuatNo=7221&mevzuatTur=KurumVeK urulusYonetmeligi&mevzuatTertip=5