Working with Government

Izmir Institute of Technology participates in the administrative and advisory committees of the local, regional and national governments. It provides specific expert advice through policy guidance and the provision of evidence. At the local level, IZTECH is an administrative member of the Urla City Council and an advisory board member of the Izmir Metropolitan City Municipality. At the national level, IZTECH is a member of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı) and Inter-Universities Council (Üniversitelerarası Kurul Başkanlığı) advisory boards. As a member of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources advisory committee, IZTECH provides specific expert advice and guidance on general education and capacity-building to policy on climate change and sustainable utilization of natural energy sources. IZTECH undertakes policy-focused research in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources.