Goal 4: Quality Education

Lifelong Learning Measures

Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) is committed to improving society as a whole and offers on-campus and online lectures, courses and training programs for all segments of the public. IZTECH Continued Education Center  offers online lectures in a wide range of topics including financial management, business development, entrepreneurship, and computer science. Furthermore, IZTECH Library provides access to online databases and printed material in numerous areas ranging from science to art and humanities.

IZTECH Children’s University, operating on the IZTECH Campus, started the new academic year with Rector Prof. Dr. It started with the opening lecture given by Yusuf Baran.

We held the “Applied Data Visualization Training with Python”, one of the trainings held in cooperation with our Career Office and Global AI Hub, on 17-18-19-20 January 2022. The 4-day Data Visualization training was presented by AI Specialist Ömer Cengiz from the Global AI Hub team.

As a result of the communications between our Career Office and L’Oréal Group, we launched the “My Future with L’Oréal, Training Program”, which we believe will help our students shape their careers  .
Following the announcement of “Hello Bot, an RPA Idea Competition” organized by the Global AI Hub and Automation Anwwhere, one of the world’s leading RPA companies, within the scope of the “10million.AI” project and delivered to our students through our Career Office, we will host the first webinar of 2022, which is an opportunity to learn global technology trends. We held an awareness event.

A cooperation protocol was signed between IZTECH and Izmir French Cultural Center.

The signed protocol aims to implement joint educational and cultural activities between the two institutions.


An academic and scientific cooperation protocol was signed between IZTECH and Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.

Spring 2022 semester at Teknopark Izmir ClassBoom Incubation Center, Rector Prof. Dr. It started with the opening lecture of Yusuf Baran.

Researchers’ Network Creation Workshop was organized in cooperation with IZTECH and Newcastle University. Within the scope of the current cooperation between the two institutions, the workshop organized by IZTECH International Relations Office on March 15-16 was attended by Vice Rector for Research Prof. Dr. It started with the opening speech of Alper Baba.

The first stage of the implementation of the Youth Office (IZTECH Youth Center), which was designed within the scope of improving social opportunities at IZTECH and received the approval of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Turkey, has been completed.

Certificates were presented to the departments that were eligible to be re-accredited by the Engineering Education Programs Evaluation and Accreditation Association (MÜDEK) at a ceremony. Rector Prof. attended the ceremony. Dr. Yusuf Baran, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Mustafa M. Demir, department heads and academicians attended.

IZTECH Preference Days, organized by the Press and Public Relations Coordinatorship, were held in the Science Park between 22-28 July 2022.

Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Baran met with academician and translator Xing Minghua, who started to teach Chinese at IZTECH School of Foreign Languages.

A symposium titled “Catalysis – A Key to Sustainability” was held in partnership with IZTECH Department of Chemical Engineering and the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

VII. With the contributions of IZTECH Education Commission and Distance Education Application and Research Center (UZEM). The Training Workshop was organized with the theme of “Catching Transformation in Education”.

In the Bootcamp event organized for 3rd and 4th grade students of Computer Engineering on 10-11 December 2022, training was given at the company’s office in Alsancak on the first day, and online on the 2nd day.