It's My Future with L'Oréal, Training Program Starts in Spring Semester

As a result of the communications between our Career Office and L’Oréal Group, we launched the “My Future with L’Oréal, Training Program”, which we believe will help our students shape their careers   .
The one-semester program, where our students will receive training on their personal and professional development, listen to inspiring speeches from L’Oréal’s leaders, be informed about world trends and get to know the departments more closely, will be offered to IZTECH students completely free of charge.
Who Can Participate?
2nd, 3rd, 4th grade students can apply. It is important that you fill out the form that will be automatically sent to you during your application   , and the trainings will be evaluated by L’Oréal according to these forms.
  • The program is planned to cover 1 semester (spring 2022 semester).
  • The training program consists of 4 categories: Personal Development, Technical Development, Sector Overview, Inspiring Speeches
  • Training will be open to all students.
  • The content of the program and training hours will be announced once the participants are determined.
Application deadline:
February 16, 2022
Application link: