IZTECH Preference Days Held

IZTECH Preference Days, organized by the Press and Public Relations Coordinatorship, were held in the Science Park between 22-28 July 2022.

Faculty members and academicians from all departments providing undergraduate education at IYTE answered the questions of prospective students. During the preference days where students and families from all over Turkey visit, candidate students; Information was given on topics such as education content, course programs, education abroad, life on campus, accommodation, transportation, and post-graduation career planning.

During the three-week preference period granted to candidate students by ÖSYM, promotional events were organized by IZTECH Press and Public Relations Coordinatorship and IZTECH Promotion Commission members. Prospective students and their families were hosted on the Campus during the preference period and prospective students were given information about the Institute.

Rector Prof. has made an intense effort to explain the difference of IZTECH to talented young minds since the moment he took office. Dr. Yusuf Baran, on the other hand, was a guest in the educational programs of national and local channels during the selection period, explained the curious things about IZTECH and answered the questions.