Providing Free Access to Educational Resources for those not Studying at the University

Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) is committed to improving society as a whole and offers on-campus and online lectures, courses and training programs for all segments of the public. IZTECH Continued Education Center  offers online lectures in a wide range of topics including financial management, business development, entrepreneurship, and computer science. Furthermore, IZTECH Library provides access to online databases and printed material in numerous areas ranging from science to art and humanities.

IZTECH hosts several public lectures each year across its departments. These lectures feature invited speakers from prestigious research institutions as well as local and international businesses. Thus, the IZTECH faculty, students, and the local communities have various opportunities to learn from some of the world’s best minds. Supporting evidence for these events are enclosed within this application in the form of flyers, photos, and other publicity materials.

IZTECH is strongly integrated with K12 schools locally and nationally, and it organizes and participates in community outreach efforts. IZTECH faculty often travel to high schools within the region and across the country to mentor and educate youth about their future careers. We provide photos and various publicity materials from such events in this application.

IZTECH ensures that all its educational infrastructure is accessible to all its members regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status or gender. The regulations to prevent such discrimination is outlined in and protected by the constitution and the institutional policies.

Figure: 2021 IZTECH Continuing Education Center Training Programs