Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Human Rights on Campus

IZTECH is a state university and all higher education institutions abide by CoHE (Turkish Council of Higher Education) regulations in Türkiye. Additionally, IZTECH is subject to the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, 657 Civil Servants Law, 2547 Higher Education Law etc. These legislations ensure the university admissions are merit-based and non- discriminatory. These rules and regulations are accessible on the IZTECH website. Undergraduate student admissions to IZTECH is done through a national university entrance exam which is centrally organized by a national examination body. Therefore it is non- discriminatory and solely merit-based. However, as a higher education institution we realize that different socio-economic segments of the public have varying access to education, and we strive to expand this access by active outreach efforts. Our academic staff ranging from assistant professors to the university president travel to distant parts of the country and increase the representation of all groups in the higher education ecosystem.

Individuals are protected against discrimination and harassment by constitutional laws in Türkiye. The rights and liberties of IZTECH staff and students are thus ensured by the constitution. Additionally, to further address these issues, our university formulates policies which are publicly accessible on the university website.



IZTECH has a dedicated commission consisting of academics from different backgrounds to implement principles of equality and equity as a higher education body. This commission is in effect since 2021-10-19 and it has generated policies to diversify our student profile and strengthen gender equality.
